
Thank you to all those who have helped during the COVID-19 Crisis

29th March 2020

After our busiest day. Most people who came to collect food parcels had lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 crisis.


During these unprecedented times of constant change, we want to say thank you to all the people who have helped! This page will continue to be updated so everyone can see how much we truly appreciate your help.

Thank you to everyone who has made donations. If you can’t donate food due to social distancing, then please consider giving via

Thanks to Edward and Connie Rajah who came in with their mum to help make up parcels.


A big thank you to councillors Jacqui Owen and Janet Cooper who have already given us £400 from their ward funds.

ASDA! They recognise foodbanks are needing larger quantities of food during this time and are helping us to buy it from the.

Thanks to Sam who worked really hard making up parcels for hungry people at our warehouse.

Thanks to Zurich Insurance who have extended our insurance to cover the current crisis at no charge and no cost.

Thank you to Morrisons in Hyde for their donation of tins, bread, rice, pasta sauce and lots more essential items.

Tasleem from Great Academy Ashton, and her sister who drover her, who brought bread to the foodbank.

Thank you to our new volunteers from Sure Start! They are closed due to the crisis but their DBS checked volunteers are offering to help us.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoor

Wetherspoons for their donation of milk and eggs.

Thank you to Mottram Parish Church who have responded quickly to the current crisis and have given us £900.

Thanks so much to Bookers who gave us an account at this time and delivered to us the next day!

Thanks to Buzz Bingo who have donated lots of chocolate Easter bunnies that they cannot use at the moment.

Neil from White Label Recruitment. He knows we are struggling to buy food so brought tins and stayed to put the best before dates on them so we could put them straight in the warehouse.

Thanks to the manager at Tesco Hattersley, Nick Grainey, who gave our Chair, Sue, some flowers! Those guys at Tesco keep our foodbank running in all sorts of ways. The staff are stars and are turning out to feed the community and working hard to keep us safe.

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